Cloth Pads & Cups
Shop Cloth Pads by size:
16cm | 20cm | 22cm | 25cm | 28cm | 30cm | 33cm | 38cm
Other reusable menstrual products:
Thong/Gstring pads | Interlabial pads | Menstrual cups
Showing 1–21 of 135 results
Online Store
Checkout My Basket: $0.00 0 itemsShop Cloth Pads by size:
16cm | 20cm | 22cm | 25cm | 28cm | 30cm | 33cm | 38cm
Other reusable menstrual products:
Thong/Gstring pads | Interlabial pads | Menstrual cups
Showing 1–21 of 135 results